
Traveling through Anhui province Passerby found Huang Mei opera very touching, preserving deep emotions that were kept for years
These opera sounds, Chinese musical instruments played in Anhui, combined together with Anhui nature seemed very romantic to Passerby, A feeling which he tried to express in this song ‘I’ll Be Coming Back’
Excited by the sound of Chinese language in opera, Passerby chose to sing the full song in Chinese, also combining in the song the opera ‘Husband and wife come back home’

Well, it’s the first time for me to sing a full song in Chinese, and I have to say : it’s exciting.
The beauty of the Chinese language expressed in the Huang Mei opera, inspired me to try to sing In it.
I did try to do my best.
“I’ll be coming back” is dedicated to Anhui province, It is the 8th video for project 34, and it is dedicated with love to all the ones that follow my project for China, As love is the language we will always share, and can all pronounce perfectly.